

HKHC: Greenville, South Carolina


Excerpt from Lessons for Leaders:

As part of a rebranding process, LiveWell Greenville (LWG) held a retreat with diverse stakeholders to develop a strategic action plan for the county. LWG conducted multidirectional communication across eight work groups, provided strategy-specific capacity-building training to community members and stakeholders, and communicated progress through a website, social media outlets, e-digests, and presentations as well as more traditional media. LWG’s most effective communications and advocacy approach was to highlight the work of its many diverse partners.

For more information, read the full story.

July 2014

As its name suggests, Greenville County offers a gentle, verdant landscape nestled near the Blue Ridge Mountains. The county boasts nearly 2,000 acres of parks, ten community centers, sports leagues and many open-air farmers markets. In 2009, when Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities (HKHC) started, the YMCA of Greenville, the Greenville Hospital System and Furman University were engaged in a comprehensive healthy living program aimed at preventing obesity. In spite of their collective efforts, more than 40 percent of children in the county were overweight or obese, with African Americans and Latinos disproportionately affected.

Faced with the reality of this disparity, Activate Greenville, a partnership anchored by the YMCA, applied for a HKHC grant to create partnerships in three low-income communities: Sterling, Nicholtown and Berea. While all quite different, they shared many of the same challenges and demographics which made them especially vulnerable to obesity.

In January 2011, LiveWell Greenville (LWG) was launched – an outgrowth of the work that had begun with Activate Greenville. Driven by the need for advocacy and policy development across eight defined areas of focus, this partnership of dozens of public and private organizations worked to make Greenville County a healthier place to live, work and play.

Some of their key accomplishments include:

“Sustainable change has to come from within the communities and neighborhoods, rather than the outside,” LWG Program Director, Eleanor Dunlap said. “We will do this one neighborhood at a time, creating a movement.”