

Member Directory

Operations Officer for Healthy Places By Design

Abby was an Active Living By Design team member from 2010-11 and is a consultant supporting health-focused organizations meet their goals.

Tatiana Dierwechter is the Healthy Communities Program Manager at Benton County Health Department, and Sara Hartstein is a Senior Health Policy Specialist there. They work collaboratively across sectors to reduce disparities and improve community health.

America Walks is leading the way in making America a great place to walk. Together, America Walks and the Every Body Walk! Collaborative boast 700 allied organizations who across the nation are working to increase walking and walkable communities.

Chris works with National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) team members to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in public health practice.

The National Partnership is a catalyst for the creation of safe, active, equitable and healthy communities—urban, suburban and rural— throughout the United States.

Dee is a community planner with the CDC's Healthy Community Design Initiative (HCDI) in the Division of Emergency and Environmental Health Services at the National Center for Environmental Health.

Kate Kraft is a recognized expert in how structural environments impact health and is a member of Active Living By Design's advisory board.

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