

Our Blog

A Message of Hope for 2022

By Risa Wilkerson and Niiobli Armah IV and on January 4th, 2022

Every turn of the calendar feels like a chance for a fresh start. Yet as we begin 2022, we are still enduring serious existential threats to our health and wellbeing. How do we approach another New Year with hope? Healthy Places by Design’s executive director, Risa Wilkerson, and board chair, Niiobli Armah, share their thoughts in a video message.
Risa Wilkerson

Executive Director

Action-driven optimist, abundance thinker, and simplicity seeker.

Niiobli Armah IV

Advisory Board Chair

Founder & Principal of We-Collab, a strategic equity firm that helps its partners and clients create tangible and transformative solutions that directly impact people and communities with the highest need.